Monday, May 26, 2008

The Greening of Josie's House

So I have dumb cats.


Even though they are crafty (see Jacuzzi Jailbreak Episode) and a lot of the time I think they are just trying to lull me into a false sense of security by acting like morons, but the fact remains that we once dropped a ridiculous amount of money on cat surgery because Cady thought it would be a really great plan to eat yarn, and Flyboy runs into solid objects on a semi-regular basis. For this reason, I worry that someday I will finish cleaning something and one of those dipshits will come along and start licking chemicals, and then we will have to give Tufts another wing of the hospital or they'll fall over dead or something.

We use your standard array of cleaning stuff...Magic Eraser, Simple Green, Windex, etc., but I have been watching a fair amount of How Clean Is Your House lately and I am AMAZED at how much they are able to clean with natural products. I don't mean natural in the sense of the new GreenWorks line that Chlorox has out, I mean it in the sense of..."cut a lemon in half and smush it around with some salt." Because I am my father's child, I get very excited about these kinds of "nature is awesome and does cool stuff" things, so I am completely fascinated by the possibilities.

In toodling around looking for some suggestions, I found this neat website that lists absolutely effing everything you could want to clean with stuff you find in your pantry, and also found out that white bread solves about 99% of the world's problems. No, for real.

Coming soon: lemony freshness! And apparently also vinegary freshness!


  1. Vinegar also gets out pretty much any nasty smell you might have in your laundry. Trust me. Boat smell is nasty.

    Baking soda also kicks ass. I use it for EVERYTHING.

    Just a thought... I've used a couple of eco-friendly cleaning products other than the homemade variety because I like the smell. However, you can also put in a couple of drops of essential oils (e.g. lavender or peppermint) to make things yummy.

    I LOVE Dr. Bronner's magic soap, too.

    Thanks for the link. :)

  2. That link is the best, and I'm in love with Kim Woodward.

    That is all.
