Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Short Version

On January 20th, 2009, I met Erin from Virginia and her friends on the bridge and walked to the Mall in the dark just before 5am. They peeled off at the Washington Monument grounds, and I continued up the Mall. People were already streaming onto the Mall, singing and yelling.

I met up with Rhonda-originally-from-Brooklyn and Ebony-from-DC at Independence and 4th, and we walked holding each others' sleeves to the gates, where we froze our asses off next to people from Miami, Ohio and Tennessee.

We lost our collective minds squished in with a bunch of girls from Indiana.

I talked to a little girl from Arlington on the Metro escalator at Waterfront-SEU. On the train, I sat next to a Vietnam veteran who had driven up from Dallas, picking up his friend in New Orleans. On the next train, I sat next to a guy who lived in Alexandria who'd been up since 1am.

That's the real story.

Details to follow.


  1. You didn't happen to see Ray Allen, did you? He was there in the crowd!

  2. Uh DUH Lucy, if I had seen Ray Allen I would have shit kittens and died, so obviously I did not because I am still alive, helloooooo
