Friday, July 27, 2007

Let's Just All Stop Allowing Sexism to Be Okay and See What Happens.

Some of you may know about my weird habit of listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Yeah you heard me.

It's not an intentional thing, but occasionally I go to Hannaford for some of their delicious fresh sushi, and the station that I listen to on my morning and evening commute plays Limbaugh's show in the afternoon. So that's what's on, and most of the time it's fine since I can either get all bent out of shape about whatever he's spewing, and we all know I like a good hate-on, or I can feel intellectually superior to him thanks to his schtick of pretending to not get the difference between left-wing fringey nutbars and average liberals. On a brief tangent, I would have a SHITLOAD more respect for the guy if he would just once in a while address an actual sane liberal concern, or take a call from a liberal who doesn't wear a tin foil hat to protect him from aliens. But he doesn't, so I feel safe in my decision to consider him a self-aggrandizing, pompous douchebag who perpetuates the shitty clip-show style of reporting that makes everyone so pissy. Not all issues can be summed up in one sentence, y'all. Stop pretending they can.

So anyway I was listening to his show on the way to Hannaford today and he took a call from Cathy in Tennessee. The intro went like this.

Limbaugh: [Hi Cathy!] Which by the way is one of my top ten favorite female names.
Cathy: Oh! Well I'm so impressed...thank you...I'm so impressed that I'm speaking with you, I'm almost speechless...and if you knew me, you'd know, that's [not that common an occurrence]...
Limbaugh: Probably because you're a woman!
Cathy: Well, ha ha...maybe so...

CATHY! WHAT THE FUCK, WOMAN??? GOD! Like we don't have enough assholes like Limbaugh out there who think it's okay to be sexist jerks right to our faces! Don't encourage him by being all passive about it! Tell him to go FUCK himself and furthermore, if you feel so inclined, throw the studies that say women and men talk about the same amount in his big smug stupid face. GET A BACKBONE, LADY, GOD!

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