Sunday, November 18, 2007

Minstrel Show Every Sunday Night...Try The Veal!

Now, I have some resentment in NBC's general direction since they subject me to John "Master of the Redundant" Madden on a regular basis, but I am going to offer them an olive branch in the form of some advice on how to avoid the resurrection of, you know, all the hurt feelings that happened during that whole "Civil Rights Movement" thing.

Step one: Never, ever, under any circumstances, even if a small, piteous child with a rare and vicious disease begs you to do so while pressing a gun to your temple, show a bunch of white people in modern-day blackface on a national broadcast.

Oh my GOD you guys, so inappropriate. I mean, boo on the douchebags WEARING said blackface - in this case, Randy Moss masks complete with attached afros - but who the hell is in charge at NBC that they thought "boy, check those dudes out" and decided to get a camera over there?

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