Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Driving: an Activity Available to All, a Skill Held by Few

Okay, seriously, fucking GUY.

There is a street on the way home that goes up a long hill. At the top of said long hill, there is a t-intersection. Both streets involved in this intersection are busy, therefore, you need to pay attention so that people don't come out of nowhere and smash the bejesus out of your vehicle, and also so you don't have to wait for three hours while the entire population of the metro-Worcester area zooms merrily by.

So I got behind a guy today who was taking his sweet ass time, leaving 3-4 carlengths between him and the vehicle in front of him, and then coming to a stop still a good distance between him and the preceding vehicle, as though at ANY MOMENT, his car could lurch forward, smashing the car in front of him to smithereens and causing his own personal vehicle to explode and level the neighborhood.

I tolerated this behavior for the majority of the hill, but once we got towards the top, I gave him a light "ondelay" beep to urge him on. He starts giving me the Italy hands, waving around like an epileptic to indicate the concept of "no need to hurry, there are multiple cars in front of me." The reason I wanted him to get the hell on with it was that, AS STATED ABOVE, you often find yourself waiting at this intersection, which is irritating and time consuming.

So of course - OF COURSE - three cars go, no problem, and Obnoxious Man inches his way towards the intersection. In the meantime, the last couple carlengths of suitable go-time go, and FORTY SEVEN MOTHERFUCKING CARS arrive, just in time for Obnoxious Man and I to wait for them to go by.

People, fucking PLEASE. If you want to take in the scenery, take a fucking walk. Ride a bike. DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN IRRITATE THE EVERLOVING SHIT OUT OF ME.


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