Bad news: if you keep these jugs in your bathroom, it will look like you are keeping a gallon jug of pee under your sink. And that you are having some kind of kidney issue.
Upshot: Worth it.
As part of my excising chemicals from my beauty routine plan, I read up on shampoos. I don't know when the last time you read your shampoo bottle was, but there's nothing in the ingredients under about 47 letters, and half of them are Xs or Zs. That's not really encouraging. However, lots of people were on the internet all "just use stuff in your kitchen!" and that didn't sound sufficiently hardcore, either. You see, I've had dandruff forever, and when I say I have tried every product out there, I mean every. product. Head & Shoulders, Redken, Selsun Blue, Pureology, Neutrogena T-Gel, Lush's Campfire solid shampoo, name it, I've tried it. Now, a lot of them worked, particularly T-Gel and Pureology, but I found that they made my hair really flat with tons of flyaways. Also, for those of you not familiar with T-Gel, the active ingredient is tar, and there's just no escaping that smell. They have a new formulation that they claim smells better, but I don't buy it. That shit is persistent.
Anyway, the problem has been solved because the hippies who run the Internet are right once again. In the course of my Googling, I kept running into two kinds of suggested rinses: baking soda and apple cider vinegar. My friend Juls had already suggested apple cider for the callus-fest that is my feet, so I had some on hand, and for some reason Rich and I decided when we moved into our house that we needed a constant supply of baking soda (...why??) so we had a ton available. I took these items into the bathroom, grabbed an empty shampoo bottle, and got to work. Lots of sites I read were very specific about measurements, but I have taken the "throw a bunch of it in the bottle then fill it up with water" approach because I'm lazy and also because I can't pour things. This is true, I don't know why. I tried the apple cider vinegar first, filling up a smallish (17 or 18 oz.) bottle about a third of the way, filling it with water, and then shaking it up. I put the rinse on my hair in the shower, then left it there while I did my whole shower routine, which takes about 10 minutes. I washed it out, ran two drops of Oscar Biandi Jasmine Oil Hair Serum
The next day I tried the baking soda rinse. I put a golf ball sized heap of baking soda in the bottle and filled the rest with water, then shook it all up and followed the same process. My dandruff was INSTANTLY gone, and my hair was like the hair Romance period painters put on ladies gallivanting in the woods. It was unbelievable! I am never going back to regular shampoo, and with the hair oil, I've completely abandoned conditioner as well. I never would have thought I'd be saying stuff like this, but it's such a revelation I can't deny it. I now use the baking soda rinse for everyday showering and a cider vinegar rinse once a week. I'd also like to note that I did try using shampoo in a pinch after about two weeks of using these rinses, and it made my hair flat as anything and impossible to work with. I'm completely sold!
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