Thursday, December 11, 2008

End-of-Year Miscellany

First of all, I apologize for the dearth of Cannonball Read updates...I've been so busy with school that while the actual reading is possible ("Study break!"), it's been hard to find time to write about them. I want this project to be productive and informative, so I don't want to just throw something up all "Neat book. High five."...I want to examine them and let you know why they are good or bad or interesting or what. Now, at this point, I'm about six books ahead of my blogging, so I'm probably going to regret having to catch up, but I just wanted to note that I have not yet begun to fight, etc., etc., etc., oh except finals and yluuuurgh. So. Back to your regularly scheduled nerdery in a week or two. I plan to really read my ass off over break, that is UNTIL I GO DOWN TO DC FOR THE INAUGURATION in which case I will probably be too drunk and/or hopped up (on life, God, get your mind out of the rehab center) to focus on things like books.

Secondly, I sang my first Lessons & Carols concert with the Assumption College Chapel Choir last night and it was freaking great. It's an advent service, which means that...anyone? Anyone? That's right, it means you get to sing the AWESOME music, like my personal favorite, the Hallelujah Chorus. I wore my pretty green dress with a white bow at the waist with tails that go all the way down to the floor, and a white pashmina over it. I am such a dork about getting dressed up, so I totally loved all of this. We processed in singing O Come O Come Emmanuel, and then we alternated readings about Jesus' birth with songs. It was very nice, and we sounded GREAT. We closed with O Come All Ye Faithful, and man, that sounds so great, particularly at the end when you get the organ all let out of its cage like WHOMMMMM WHOMMM WHOMMMM with the floor shaking and everyone rocking it out. It has been so good getting back into singing, and without blowing smoke, the director of Chapel Choir and my new voice coach, Jane, is freaking phenomenal. Even after just my short time with her, I see more potential in my voice than I ever have, and lest we forget - I'm pretty full of myself generally, and was even more so in connection to my singing in high school. I have always had a good voice but with Jane's help I think it could be great. Cool as hell.

Finally, my last day of classes was yesterday, so now I'm all depressed and shit. I am particularly sad about Terrorism being over...I realize that sounds kind of creepy and alarming, but that class was so good and I kind of wish it would just go on forever. Luckily, I have Nationalism & Fascism to look forward to! (Do not let your children be political science majors.) The professor was really sweet on the last day, saying that if and when he taught the course again, he wouldn't change the format much (which is unusual for a new course), but regardless of any changes, it would be unlikely that he would "get a group of thirty students like you guys." Awww. I HATE the last day of classes. UGH. Just a couple exams left to go...Philosophy of Nature tomorrow, followed by Italian on SATURDAY which should be ILLEGAL. I also have a paper due on Saturday, then another one on Wednesday, and the Terrorism exam on Monday. Then, six whole weeks of no class. Bleargh!

Back to more posting soon.

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