NB: Every week after Project Runway airs, The Lucy and I trade epic emails to discuss the week's episode. That's what you're reading here...my comments are in blue, and The Lucy chimes in in white.I enjoyed the exchange at the beginning with Suede and...someone, because it's basically exactly the kind of exchange that any one of my close friends and I would have, including you, obviously, to wit: "[totally weird dream/thought]"/"[blase response]." Or, in Project Runway lexicon: "I dreamed we have to make sweetheart neckline dresses out of chiffon and poptarts."..."Were you drinking before you went to bed?" Actually, "were you drinking before you went to bed" is probably the exact response that would get used on me personally, so the example is particularly fitting.
Is it bad that I still get SO EXCITED when Tim says "caucus"? You can take the girl out of a Model UN Based Non Profit but you can't take the Model UN Based Non Profit out of the girl!
I kind of enjoyed Keith's decision to continue being the most petulant, whiny little bitch this side of Kindergarden. "I'm fragile right now." Yeah, WE KNOW. Oh, and TERRI is the angry, bitter person. That cracked my shit up. I don't usually say this in regard to voting adults but he needs an actual spanking so badly my Whompin' Hand was twitching.
A brief and random note from the evening in preparation for this email: "if I see any more of Jerell's fucking chest I a going to scream, vomit, then die." The sentiment still applies.
Also: "Is Jay rocking a MR T LOOK because that is great." He was, and it was!
Since I am on a time crunch (thanks for changing due dates for class and adding an extra assignment for the week at the last second, teach!), I'm just going to say that I agree with you on all counts and points brought up at the beginning. Also, I looked at some spoilers and saw who's going to Fashion Week...
Blayne & Stella..."she's pooping fabric!" I feel like this statement is the Rosetta Stone of my love of Michael Kors. He offers up this great, incisive, historically-informed commentary on this stuff...while using elementary school words. And frankly, she WAS pooping fabric. I hated the cream part, and the only way I would have liked it even a little more was if the fabric poop was on opposing limbs, i.e. left arm/right leg. Stupid, gross, arguably avant garde, but the side note to "avant garde = something we've never seen before" is "and it should be something someone wants" and this was grody. OH MY GOD, I JUST NOTICED THE SPAT. SINGULAR. EW. NO.
I thought his concept for this was pretty cool, and maybe if he worked with someone else, they would have been able to help him shape his idea a little better. Stella is always like, "It's weird so yaaaaay!" that I think her rah rah attitude kind of hurt him. That being said, this look is AWFUL! If he wanted to make her look naked, he should have picked a true nude instead of a cream. Also, he should not have had little bunches of fabric right next to her butthole. Why Blayne, why? Oh well, I guess I'll miss your little E.T. face.
Kenley & Wesley...I was so offended by Kenley's self-enamourment and irksome voice that I didn't even have time to be grossed out by the shoes here, but damn dude what is with those shoes?! I don't even know that I hate this SO much but it definitely was not nearly as awesome as Kenley thought it was. As Michael Kors said, it wasn't anything new...Viktor & Rolf on top and [can't remember] on the bottom. The absolute grossness of her saying she didn't pay attention to collections was the final nail in the coffin for me. Also, the boobs WERE in a weird place, like Heidi said, but this model also has some boobular issues so I can kind of understand it.
I seriously hope Kenley gets stabbed. I cannot believe the way she talks to people. She's disgusting. And yeah, the look is nothing new, and it is not as fabulous as she thought it was. For some reason when I see this I think of Minnie Mouse, which kind of has me baffled. Oh, did I mention that Kenley is an asshole?
Jerell & Jennifer...I found the VAST majority of this to be gross, but I love the skirt. I even kind of like the fabric...sort of houndstoothy, but not. That being said, the bodice was kind of a snore and I hated the jacket. I just do not see eye to eye with Jerell in regard to his fabric choice, and I think it's pure aesthetic disagreement, because his own personal outfits drive me up a wall as well. That being said, I hated the jacket less than I have hated other fabic combos, so I...guess that's a win? Again, though, loved the skirt.
I think the skirt is what won this for Jerrell. It's just so cool and the print is awesome. I think the other designers really dug the amount of detail he put into the piece...I remember Christian saying he liked the different trims on the jacket. While I agree that the fabrics on top kind of suck, I do think he did a pretty damn good job on this one, so I'm ok with the win.
Korto & Kelly...boy, this picture does it NO justice. This was so great and floaty, and the colors were beautiful. This was one of three dresses where the movement added so much. I found the back not only to be very cool but also reminiscent of Anne Hathaway's
recent dress with all the crazy volume and light movement. I liked the leathery shoulder and neck accents, too...they kept it from being too unfocused and gave it just a touch of nice structure.
I thought this one was going to be the winner because it was absolutely poetically gorgeous. I really liked everything about this piece, from the colors to the flowiness to the pieces at the neck.
Leanne & Emily...this pretty much guaranteed that I'm wearing a birdcage veil at the wedding. I realize that's a bit of a weird leap, but there it is. I love the faux-birdcage on this, and the structured neck-shoulder-headpiece is awesome. It's just so dynamic, I love it. I was glad they did a little bit of self-editing to keep it from being TOO derivative (there was a planned tail, no?). Excellent work.
Definitely a great look, although the dress underneath looks kind of boring. I like the idea of this but I kind of felt as though it needed something else (certainly not a tail).The birdcage part is too black for me...maybe with some fabric used as shading, I would have liked this one more.
Joe & Daniel...this looked SO COOL walking down the runway. The fabric choice for the skirt was PERFECT to pull off that firey effect they were going for. I also liked the feathery piece on the bodice. I could have lived without either the cutouts or the weird separation between skirt and top, but overall I thought this totally rocked.
This was another one I thought could have won. It did look amazing in motion, and I thought they did a pretty damn good job on this one. It's so cool!
Terri & Keith...I didn't hate this nearly as much as the judges did. I agree that the pink/red fabric could have been better, but I thought over all the look was pretty solid. I would have either kept the fur piece or nixed the weird banner type things she's holding up here, but in both cases I get what she's going for. I was not wild about the gold knit fabric she used on the skirt, but I thought it made sense in the grand scheme of the dress, so I don't really know why the judges and everyone ever was puking vitriol all over the place. Not that I would have handed the win over to her, but I do think this was solidly average.
I think this was one of those producer influenced aufs. I also did not think this was as bad as they said it was. As much as I liked Terri, her attitude was starting to really get on my nerves.I don't know, I think she would have done an awesome collection so I was really sad to see her go.
Suede & Jerry...I'm not really in love with the pants aspect of this, but overall I think it did fit the bill for their sign, and it looked great on the runway with the crazy back things floating everywhere and the gauzy effect all over the outfit. I also really enjoyed the particular way the camisole showed through the top with the light blue under the dark. The one thing I really didn't get was the appearance of some kind of ANGELA TYPE FLEURCHONS securing fabric to the back!!! WTF?!?
WTF? Indeed! I don't understand how they thought this was better than Terri's. This look was a freakin' mess from top to bottom. I cannot tell you how much the fabric scales annoyed me. So weird, so literal! There was nothing avant garde about this at all. No idea how Suede got to stay.
First, note that I have a toddler-induced smudge on my computer screen. Okay, so I was reading the comment on "caucus." Instead of seeing "girl out of the UN.....," I saw "gin." Appropriate? Perhaps.