So, the Large Hadron Collider might kill us all, it might discover God, it might turn us all into grey matter, it may be the only thing capable of turning us into little bits of vaporized dust before the Russians get us.
But while it's temporarily busticated and the project is on hold, can we talk about how it's kind of beautiful? Note that there are people in every picture, which gives you an idea of the scale of this thing. Pictures from the ever-wonderful National Geographic...photographers from top: Maxmilien Brice (CERN), Mark Theissen, Peter Ginter.
"But Josie," you may be saying by now, "this blog only shows me part of your life, and much of it is babble about makeup and politics! How can I more completely observe your existence??"
Excellent question, gentle reader! There are several options available to you. You can follow me on Twitter at @TheOutlawJosie or on tumblr at outlawjosie.
You will also have learned that I am a poor grad student. If you would like to help with the poor part - there's just no helping the academic self-flagellation part - you can buy books from Pink Narcissus Press or lovely jewelry from my Etsy store, Lost Sheep Gardens.
Was that MC Hawking fronting that video? I loved him in "A Brief History of Rhyme."